Can Parrots Eat Hazelnuts?

Parrots are incredibly intelligent birds that need proper nutrition to thrive. Their diets should consist of a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and some proteins. Hazelnuts are a nutritious food that could be appealing to parrots.

Hazelnuts, also known as filberts, are a tasty nut that may seem like a good treat for pet parrots. But can parrots eat hazelnuts safely? Let’s take a closer look at the nutritional profile of hazelnuts and the potential benefits and risks of feeding them to parrots.

Can You Feed Hazelnut To Your Parrot?

You can feed hazelnuts to your parrot in moderation. Hazelnuts contain protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamin E, manganese, and other important nutrients for parrots. A few small pieces make for a tasty, crunchy treat.

But remember hazelnuts are high in fat so you don’t want to overdo it. Only feed one or two slivered hazelnuts at a time, a couple of times per week at most. Also, be sure to always supervise your parrot when feeding hazelnuts and remove any uneaten pieces promptly.

Chop the hazelnuts into thin slices rather than feeding whole nuts to prevent potential choking hazards. Avoid flavored, salted, chocolate-covered, or processed hazelnuts, which contain excessive sugar and salt. Only choose raw, plain nuts.

While hazelnuts have benefits, they lack some amino acids parrots need. So, offer hazelnuts in combination with plenty of fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, seeds, and pellets to round out the diet.

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Hazelnuts: Nutritional Profile

Hazelnuts are rich in healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Some of the key nutrients found in hazelnuts include:

  • Protein – Hazelnuts contain about 15 grams of protein per 100 grams. Protein is essential for building strong muscles and feathers.
  • Healthy Fats – Approximately 60% of the calories in hazelnuts come from mono and polyunsaturated fats. These healthy fats support skin and feather health.
  • Vitamin E – Hazelnuts are an excellent source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system.
  • Magnesium – With 163 mg of magnesium per 100 grams, hazelnuts can help maintain bone strength and nervous system function.
  • Fiber – Hazelnuts offer nearly 10 grams of fiber per 100-gram serving, which aids digestion.

Nutty Delights: How Hazelnuts Boost Parrot Health?

In moderation, hazelnuts can provide some great nutritional perks for parrots, including:

  • Healthy Skin and Feathers – The omega-3 fatty acids in hazelnuts contribute to lush, vibrant plumage. Vitamin E also supports skin and feather health.
  • Strong Bones – The magnesium in hazelnuts helps parrots maintain bone strength.
  • Healthy Digestion – The fiber content of hazelnuts encourages regularity.
  • Immune System Support – Vitamin E from hazelnuts acts as an antioxidant to support immune function.

Assessing the Hazards: Can Parrots Safely Consume Hazelnuts?

While hazelnuts can be a healthy treat, there are some potential downsides to be aware of:

  • Allergies – Some parrots may have allergies or sensitivities to tree nuts. Introduce hazelnuts slowly and watch for signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Choking Hazard – Whole hazelnuts pose a choking risk for parrots. Chop hazelnuts into small pieces before serving.
  • High Fat Content – Too many hazelnuts can lead to obesity. Offer hazelnuts in moderation as an occasional treat.
  • Mold Risk – Hazelnuts can develop mold if stored incorrectly. Discard any nuts that look or smell moldy.

A Guide to Safely Feeding Hazelnuts to Your Parrot

When introducing hazelnuts to your parrot’s diet, proper preparation and portioning is key. Here are some tips:

Chop hazelnuts into small pieces to reduce choking risk. Pieces should be no larger than the size of your parrot’s toenail.

Start with just a few pieces at a time to gauge your parrot’s reaction. Gradually increase portion sizes if no allergy symptoms appear.

Mix chopped hazelnuts into your parrot’s regular food instead of offering them on their own. This prevents overindulging.

Roast hazelnuts prior to serving to enhance flavor. Just avoid adding salt or other seasonings.

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Hazelnut Harmony: Dishes That Shine with this Nutty Delight

Here are some tasty ways to integrate small amounts of hazelnuts into your parrot’s diet:

  • Fruit and Nut Bowls – Top your parrot’s favorite diced fruits like apple, pear, and pineapple with a sprinkling of chopped hazelnuts.
  • Hazelnut Butter – Grind raw hazelnuts into a butter consistency. Stuff inside foraging toys along with treats.
  • Nutty Birdie Bread – Make wholesome bread with hazelnut flour, carrots, flaxseed, and apple sauce. Bake into bite-sized pieces.
  • Vegetable Bake – Roast vegetables like potato, kale, and cauliflower drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with hazelnuts.
  • Grain Salad – Combine cooked quinoa, farro, or brown rice with chopped hazelnuts, corn, peas, and diced apple.

With some creativity, hazelnuts can add flavor, crunch, and nutrition to your parrot’s meals.

Can Parrots Eat Roasted Hazelnuts?

Yes, parrots can safely eat roasted, unsalted hazelnuts. Roasting brings out the flavor of the nuts, making them more enticing for picky eaters. However, roasted nuts may be drier. Soak roasted hazelnuts in water briefly to rehydrate them before chopping them for your parrot.

Can you feed salted hazelnuts to your parrot?

Avoid feeding salted hazelnuts to parrots. Salt can lead to hypertension and kidney strain over time. Stick to raw or plain roasted hazelnuts with no added seasonings.


Hazelnuts can make for a healthy, occasional treat for parrots when fed responsibly in moderation. Look for raw, unsalted nuts and chop them into small, thin slices before serving to your parrot.

Combine with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, and nuts to round out their nutritional needs. Hazelnuts provide a tasty way to supplement your parrot’s diet when enjoyed as part of a diverse, balanced diet.

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